5 veces que las pruebas de ADN cambiaron la vida de una familia

A 24-year-old Reddit user contacted other users with a story about her family. The OP revealed that she had three sons who looked exactly like their father, but when their daughter was born, she looked nothing like him.

She arrived with pale skin and platinum blonde hair; her eye color was green and different from the rest. During her pregnancy with their daughter, OP had built a close relationship with an older male co-worker. The colleague was extra friendly to her and another female co-worker.

An older man talking to a younger woman while standing in front of a coffee machine | Source: Pexels

Her co-worker would bring her and the other woman coffee in the mornings, and sometimes, he left flowers on their desks. She didn’t think much about his behavior because he was happily married and always spoke fondly about his family, plus he never made any advances.

Despite the true nature of their relationship, OP’s husband was uncomfortable with it and wanted her to cut ties with him, but she refused. The couple fought about it, but it eventually seemed to fade away. However, when their daughter was born, the husband’s anger reappeared.

An angry man gesturing with his hand | Source: Pexels
A mother caring for her crying child | Source: PexelsHer parents-in-law even turned their backs on her, and her husband refused to assist in taking care of their daughter. OP was hurt by him not being the same way he was when they welcomed their sons. When her son had his birthday, everyone avoided talking to her, and that’s when she decided to get the test.

During the event, her mother-in-law excluded the little girl from a photo of her grandchildren. However, OP had the last laugh when the DNA test came out, proving her husband was their daughter’s father. Everyone in the family felt terrible and apologized for how they treated her.

A man trying to make amends with an upset woman | Source: Pexels

OP’s husband finally carried his daughter for the first time and cried in the moment. He also apologized profusely to his wife and always cried whenever he held his baby girl. She forgave him because she felt he was being genuine in his remorse.

However, she wanted nothing to do with his family and eventually gave her husband an ultimatum about them either relocating to her home country or divorcing. When OP told him she was talking to divorce lawyers, he realized how serious she was and agreed to do anything she wanted to earn her forgiveness.

A man holding a newborn baby | Source: Pexels

Sadly, she didn’t want any contact with her husband’s family ever again because she didn’t want her children to receive the same treatment she had to endure. On top of that, she and her husband went to individual and couples therapy.

OP shared how things were going well between her and her husband and said she hoped they remained that way. The Reddit user isn’t the only woman whose husband demanded a paternity test due to resemblance issues; the following social media user also shared her story.

A pregnant woman sits with her legs on her man | Source: Pexels

Woman Threatens Divorce after Mother-in-Law Insists on DNA Test for Grandson



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